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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

More photos of first Mongolian tour

Courtney, aka the yoga hobo, and Martyn at Russian border; we'd met them at Irkutsk hostel, then on train and again at UB hostel.

At the first of the hundreds of Ovoos we've seen in Mongolia en route to Terelj N. Park.

Our ger camp in Terelj N.P; ger is the Mongolian word for a yurt.

This one was ours and shared with Cissy and Yasu.

Having a delicious mutton and pasta soup in our ger with Cissy and Yasu; each meal was delivered to our ger by our ger hostess.  Mutton is the Mongolian staple meal; of our 4 meals in Terelj, 3 were basically the same: mutton with potatoes, different types of pasta or rice and slivers of carrots.

Our ger hostess in her ger preparing our meal.

Our ger "camp" was a very modest one compared to many fairly lavish compounds; we were so lucky with ours, we thought.

Perhaps not SO lucky when it came to our toilet in the outhouse; note the toilet seat!

Gorgeous wildflowers in the hills near the ger.
More photos coming; must dash for the station now.

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