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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bangkok Photos: From 10/1 & 10/2.

Debris like this was everywhere on the river on 10/1 but don't know why.
Ferry and river shots

The young man in orange is responsible for jumping off the ferry as it nears the pier and tying up the rope for all of 2 minutes while passengers disembark and come on board at which point he makes a flying leap back on board himself.  At the same time all this running and jumping is going on, he is blowing his whistle like mad in both short and long busts to indicate to the captain how near or close the boat is to the pier.

Pomengranates, I think at least!

All made with plastic bags!

I bought the purse in Tallinn, and the butterfly design was painted on it in Chinag Mai.

Off to school - all Thai boys and girls wear uniforms; same case in Cambodia.

Was able to snag seats on the ferry boat right next to the captain on 10/2.

More life on the Chao Phraya shots:

The only Catholic church I saw - believe it was called the Holy Rosary Church.

N13:  Our pier b/c it was so close to our guesthouse.
More photos of the river from the ferry on 10/2.

More spectacular flowers and only 10thb each, i.e. .33!

The demonstration or rally by the Vimanmek Mansion.

At the Vimanmek Mansion

Wearing our much ballyhooed sarongs in the Mansion grounds.  No photos of the mansion as they were verboten!

Now you see what I meant when I mentioned the rather large photos of the king and queen!

 Photos below are at the Golden Mount.

Just a few more steps to the top,

Have seen a gazillion signs advising us to take OFF our shoes before entering a temple, etc but this was the 1st telling us to leave our shoes on!
Thailand's national flag on the left and the royal flag on the right - nice view from atop the Mount of Bangkok.

This was the Golden Mount as you just might have guessed!

At Wat Sakret.
The tile floors at Wat Sakret were so amazingly beautiful.

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