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Friday, October 18, 2013

Big oops - I hit Publish on last post instead of Save - So, more photos from DS!

The post title says it all so here are more photos from our tour of DS and the mountain.  These first set of photos are all of Wat Doi Suthep.

These next photos are of our brief stop at a Hmong Hill Tribe Village.
Tea anyone?  

All handmade - aren't they exquisite?

In Hmong traditional dress: all the items we saw in the shops were handmade and embroidered and just beautiful works of art.


Hmong village rooves

Taken at the Hmong garden we paid a few baht to see after walking through the village.

Loved all the stupendous flowers - hope you do too as I took lots of flower photos!

The garden's waterfall

On way further up the mountain to see the Royal Palace, aka Bhuping Palace.

Mistier and mistier the higher we drove.

Finally, we arrive at the palace.

Getting professionally fitted for his new outfit - very dashing, don't you think?

Ya think I have posed for too many photos this trip!

The fountain around the palace.

Giant bamboo tree at the palace.

More giant bamboo trees.

View of Chiang Mai from near the summit of DS.

Our day's travel friends:  Ingrid from Slovakia and Tania from Finland: in our songthaew returning to CM.

Steven and I stopped at one final wat on our walk back to the guesthouse.  More photos of  the same wat below.
Another lovely wat we happened upon in CM.

Chickens, roosters, cats and dogs all over this wat's and other wats' grounds.

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